Now i tell about of Winsys2.exe.
winsys2.exe is a program that may have been installed by you. The exact disk location where it should be stored on your computer is also shown below to verfiy it is not spyware, as many spyware programs use similiar names and just locate them elsewhere on your hard can more than
on here I had one error of this program.That is can't remove this program .It is always stay and show at tab bar.So i think i have a problem at window32 and recive virus.
I research to slove this problem in google page.
I founded one software .It name is RegistryBooster 2009 .
Registry Booster 2009 program is be use for optimizing and cleaning the Windows registry
I download this program .And then do that .
The first run the program and second scan read my computer.
Waited a few minute the scan is complete and winsys2 program can't see at my computer tab bar.
I will give RegistryBooster 2009 at down.
Please u have problem as like my experience.
Can u get " here" this program.
thanks for understanding of my post.
Type the rest of your post here.
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