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ကဲ startkey password ေပးၾကမယ္ဂ်ာ.......
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ၿပီးရင္Encryption Enabled က check ေပးထားတယ္...update ကို click ေပးရပါမယ္..
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*password ကုိေတာ့ေသခ်ာမွတ္ထားၾကပါ ခင္ဗ်ာ......ေက်းဇူးတင္ပါတယ္ခင္ဗ်
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ေၿဖ...2 to the power 5 ကုိတြက္ခ်င္ရင္ =2^5လုိ႔ေဖာ္ၿမဴလာေရးေပးပါ။ ^အမွတ္အသားက(carat)
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How to recover run option in start menu and folder option if they are missing !
Step 1 : Go to C drive
Step 2 : Open Windows folder
Step 3 : Open System32 folder
Step 4 : Click on gpedit.msc
Step 5 : click User Configuration
Step 6 : Click administrative template
Step 7 : Click Start Menu and Taskbar
Step 8 : Double-click ( Remove Run Menu from start Menu) in Setting lists .
And then you’ll see that arrives( Remove Run menu from Start Menu Properties box).
Step 9 : first click enabled and apply and ok
step 10 : again...
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